Sunday, December 20, 2009
With finals over and done with, this was the first weekend for Ross with no reading or studying in months....and boy was it nice! We went out and did some very small Christmas shopping (3 gifts to be exact), took a short trip to the beach since it was 78 degrees outside, made a ginger bread house and then drove around town and tried to find some houses decorated with Christmas lights. One would think living in Orange County that you would have no problem finding some amazing houses decorated for the holidays...however we didn't really find anything spectacular. Thankfully Sunday evening we went up to this little area about 20-30 mins north of us called Naples where we walked around these neighborhoods called The Canals. Talk about some AMAZING light displays. We are talking about pretty much every single house decorated with lights! And instead of walking across the street to look at the houses on the other side, you had to cross a bridge to get to the other side of the canal. That's right....the canal. Absolutely beautiful being able to see boats and gondolas going through the canals all decorated with lights as well. It was a wonderful way to spend the first weekend with no studying.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Christmas Already??
Well, here we are almost the third week of December and I am sitting in our office watching it rain outside. The temperatures range from the upper 50s all the way to the mid 70s making it really hard to realize that Christmas is 2 weeks away. Not to mention the only Christmas decoration we have out is a small 2 foot tree my parents brought us since our regular tree is too big for our small apartment...unless we decide to sacrifice the entire living room or dining room. And with Ross right in the middle of finals, neither of us has had any time or motivation to dig out all the Christmas stuff. So once finals are over with next week, Ross has promised me that we will decorate, make a ginger bread house, and he will post on our website his thoughts on surviving the first semester of law school (so be watching for that in the next few weeks). Another thing that has made it hard to grasp the Christmas spirit is the fact that it is not cold outside yet. Don't get me wrong, the rain has made it cooler out than I was thinking it would be in Southern California, but no where near the cold I am used to at this time of year. And I have to say, I really do miss the snow and bitter cold that comes to Colorado every year (call me crazy). So to help get into the Christmas mood, I have been listening to as much Christmas music as I can.
So I'm sure many people are wondering if we are coming home for the holidays or if family is coming out to see us. Unfortunately the answer is no to both. In case you haven't read the older posts, my parents came out the weekend before Thanksgiving and we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with them at that time. The cost to fly home is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive this time of year so we are going to celebrate Christmas Day doing something neither of us has ever done before. That's right....we are going to brave the crowds and go to Disneyland and watch the Christmas Day Parade!! The park opens at 8:00am and the "experts" suggest getting to the park entrance by 7:00am to get in and find a good viewing spot. So I think Ross wants to leave at 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning!! The last time I got up that early on Christmas Day was when I was in elementary school and I was running downstairs to see what Santa Clause had left me. But since it is only the two of us this year and we don't have to be anywhere or really do anything that day, we are going for it!
So I'm sure many people are wondering if we are coming home for the holidays or if family is coming out to see us. Unfortunately the answer is no to both. In case you haven't read the older posts, my parents came out the weekend before Thanksgiving and we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas with them at that time. The cost to fly home is OUTRAGEOUSLY expensive this time of year so we are going to celebrate Christmas Day doing something neither of us has ever done before. That's right....we are going to brave the crowds and go to Disneyland and watch the Christmas Day Parade!! The park opens at 8:00am and the "experts" suggest getting to the park entrance by 7:00am to get in and find a good viewing spot. So I think Ross wants to leave at 6:00 or 6:30 in the morning!! The last time I got up that early on Christmas Day was when I was in elementary school and I was running downstairs to see what Santa Clause had left me. But since it is only the two of us this year and we don't have to be anywhere or really do anything that day, we are going for it!
Catch up on photos
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Playing Catch Up
Ok....I know it has been 3 weeks since either of us has written anything. Ross has a good excuse since he has been crazy busy with school but I just keep pushing it to the back burner. So I am going to try and sum up the last three weeks in this one post. Not much took place the week of the 8th besides getting things ready around the place for my parents to come out and visit. That meant cleaning the house up, mainly our second bedroom so we could put an air mattress down and have a place to sleep for 4 nights. And Ross also tried to get a little ahead in his reading for school so he would be able to spend time hanging out with my parents instead of stuck in a room reading and studying.
The week of the 15th is the week my parents flew into town. There is a slide show of pictures from their visit that you can click on to view larger pictures at the top of the page. They flew into Orange County on the evening of Thurs the 19th and I was actually able to get Fri the 20th off. On Fri, we went to the beach, where mom lost the Frisbee in the ocean. After enjoying lunch at In-N-Out Burger, we left Ross at home to do some studying and I took them to the South Coast Plaza Mall (giant mall) and we spent about 2-3 hours walking around there. After an evening of shopping we came home and enjoyed a nice ham dinner for Thanksgiving/Christmas. On Sat the 21st, we spent the day on Catalina Island. We took a 75 min boat ride out to the island then rented a golf cart to cruise around the town for 3 hours. After our golf cart adventures, we walked around the town and enjoyed lunch looking over the harbor. It was a lot of fun and a very pretty place! After dinner back on the mainland, we went up to Downtown Disney where we got to enjoy the fireworks show from the front gates of Disneyland. And I have to say, the fireworks show in Disneyland is better than any fireworks show I've seen on Colorado. On Sun the 22nd, we had Christmas morning around our 2 foot tree that my mom brought out for us since our regular Christmas tree is too big for our apartment. After a relaxing morning, we watched the sad Broncos game and then it was off to the Ikea store. For those of you who haven't heard of Ikea, it is a GIANT home furnishings store. And since my mom has been wanting to remodel their kitchen for awhile, we had to take them there. On Mon the 23, I called into work so I could spend one last day with them and we all got to join Ross in one of his classes at school. It was very interesting to see what a real law class is like. And I was surprised at how much I was actually able to understand. After class, my parents and I headed to the beach for a few hours while Ross had to go back to school. It was nice to have to beach almost to ourselves since it was both the middle of the day on a Mon and in the middle of Nov. We even got to see some dolphins swimming in the surf. After spending the afternoon at the beach, we had to head back home so they could pack, eat dinner and then head off to the airport. Thankfully the airport is only 10 mins away so we got to spend more time at home and not driving. We had a great time spending the weekend with my parents and it was really hard to say good bye. I know I can't wait to see them again.
Now we are on to Thanksgiving. This was the first Thanksgiving for both of us that we have not spent with family. So needless to say it was different and felt a little weird. It was also the first Thanksgiving that we did not eat turkey. Since we made a ham the weekend before when my parents were out, we did not feel like making another big meal for just two. So we took it easy the entire day. We watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade in bed enjoying our coffee. After the parade we finally went downstairs and decided to play cards. After our card game, we decided to play Rock Band for a couple hours. To help us unwind after all our game playing, we made chicken stir fry and watched some TV until bed time. So this Thanksgiving was kind of nice to not have to worry about where we had to be for lunch/dinner and at what time but at the same time we missed spending time with family.
Another first this year was that our house still is not decorated for Christmas. Normally the day after Thanksgiving is the day we spend putting up our Christmas tree and going crazy with Christmas decorations. But this year, the only Christmas thing we have out is the small tree my parents brought out, and the only decoration on the tree is a big red bow that is attached to the base. Ross has been so busy with studying that he has had no motivation to dig out the Christmas stuff. I would dig the stuff out myself but he packed it away in a place that only he can reach it. Plus it's more fun decoration together when you are in the mood. We still have time before Christmas to get a few things out.
As for Ross and school, him and his study group have been spending some crazy amounts of time studying and reviewing concepts. The group was over at our place on Sat where they started studying at 11:30 in the morning and didn't finish until almost 7:00 at night. They did take a break for lunch and margaritas which I got to enjoy also. They plan on studying every night this week as well as all day next Sat. The first final for him is on Tues Dec 8. Needless to say he has been looking forward to doing nothing for 4-5 weeks after finals before the spring semester begins min-January.
The week of the 15th is the week my parents flew into town. There is a slide show of pictures from their visit that you can click on to view larger pictures at the top of the page. They flew into Orange County on the evening of Thurs the 19th and I was actually able to get Fri the 20th off. On Fri, we went to the beach, where mom lost the Frisbee in the ocean. After enjoying lunch at In-N-Out Burger, we left Ross at home to do some studying and I took them to the South Coast Plaza Mall (giant mall) and we spent about 2-3 hours walking around there. After an evening of shopping we came home and enjoyed a nice ham dinner for Thanksgiving/Christmas. On Sat the 21st, we spent the day on Catalina Island. We took a 75 min boat ride out to the island then rented a golf cart to cruise around the town for 3 hours. After our golf cart adventures, we walked around the town and enjoyed lunch looking over the harbor. It was a lot of fun and a very pretty place! After dinner back on the mainland, we went up to Downtown Disney where we got to enjoy the fireworks show from the front gates of Disneyland. And I have to say, the fireworks show in Disneyland is better than any fireworks show I've seen on Colorado. On Sun the 22nd, we had Christmas morning around our 2 foot tree that my mom brought out for us since our regular Christmas tree is too big for our apartment. After a relaxing morning, we watched the sad Broncos game and then it was off to the Ikea store. For those of you who haven't heard of Ikea, it is a GIANT home furnishings store. And since my mom has been wanting to remodel their kitchen for awhile, we had to take them there. On Mon the 23, I called into work so I could spend one last day with them and we all got to join Ross in one of his classes at school. It was very interesting to see what a real law class is like. And I was surprised at how much I was actually able to understand. After class, my parents and I headed to the beach for a few hours while Ross had to go back to school. It was nice to have to beach almost to ourselves since it was both the middle of the day on a Mon and in the middle of Nov. We even got to see some dolphins swimming in the surf. After spending the afternoon at the beach, we had to head back home so they could pack, eat dinner and then head off to the airport. Thankfully the airport is only 10 mins away so we got to spend more time at home and not driving. We had a great time spending the weekend with my parents and it was really hard to say good bye. I know I can't wait to see them again.
Now we are on to Thanksgiving. This was the first Thanksgiving for both of us that we have not spent with family. So needless to say it was different and felt a little weird. It was also the first Thanksgiving that we did not eat turkey. Since we made a ham the weekend before when my parents were out, we did not feel like making another big meal for just two. So we took it easy the entire day. We watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade in bed enjoying our coffee. After the parade we finally went downstairs and decided to play cards. After our card game, we decided to play Rock Band for a couple hours. To help us unwind after all our game playing, we made chicken stir fry and watched some TV until bed time. So this Thanksgiving was kind of nice to not have to worry about where we had to be for lunch/dinner and at what time but at the same time we missed spending time with family.
Another first this year was that our house still is not decorated for Christmas. Normally the day after Thanksgiving is the day we spend putting up our Christmas tree and going crazy with Christmas decorations. But this year, the only Christmas thing we have out is the small tree my parents brought out, and the only decoration on the tree is a big red bow that is attached to the base. Ross has been so busy with studying that he has had no motivation to dig out the Christmas stuff. I would dig the stuff out myself but he packed it away in a place that only he can reach it. Plus it's more fun decoration together when you are in the mood. We still have time before Christmas to get a few things out.
As for Ross and school, him and his study group have been spending some crazy amounts of time studying and reviewing concepts. The group was over at our place on Sat where they started studying at 11:30 in the morning and didn't finish until almost 7:00 at night. They did take a break for lunch and margaritas which I got to enjoy also. They plan on studying every night this week as well as all day next Sat. The first final for him is on Tues Dec 8. Needless to say he has been looking forward to doing nothing for 4-5 weeks after finals before the spring semester begins min-January.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The First Week of November
So what did you think of Ross' last post of what it's like to be a law student?? Pretty crazy stuff, and things are just getting more and more intense. I do have to say that I have even started learning some legal things by helping him study with his Law in a Flash flash cards. He keeps telling me that I should just quit working and start going to law school with him. I said ya right....I can remember some of this stuff because I am not required to regurgitate it back up weeks later on an exam. I can remember it just as something interesting to me that not many other people know.
Looking back, the first week of November was a good one. We started the week off with Ross' birthday on Monday. Unlike for my birthday, we weren't able to go spend the evening at Disneyland since I started a new work schedule. Maybe I should rephrase that last sentence....I was not able to spend the evening at Disneyland because I started a new work schedule. Ross went up there after class and got his free $72 gift card for going to the park on his birthday. And then he went and rode some of my favorite rides and thought he would share the moment with me by taking pictures and sending them to me while I was sitting on the phone at work watching the clock. At least he was able to have fun and enjoy the park on his birthday like we did on mine. It was just a bummer that I was not able to join him. After I got off work, we did enjoy dinner at a yummy Mexican restaurant. I have to say though, you always seem to question the quality of the restaurant when you walk in and are the only people there besides the one waitress. No matter how you look at it, the food was very good.
As for the new work schedule for me, I started my original shift of working 10am-7pm Mon-Fri. I do have to say there are some goods and bads to this new schedule. The good sides are that I can sleep in a little longer in the mornings and enjoy being a night owl, I can get ready with Ross in the morning and not worry about waking him up, I have time to eat breakfast and sometimes watch a full hour long TV show, and the traffic is really light on the drive in. The bad side is that I have to stay at work until 7:00 at night and by the time I get off, the sun has already gone down and the evening is half over. But I guess one of the other good things I forgot to mention is that Ross usually has dinner made by the time I get home; one last thing I have to think about at 7:30 in the evening. I knew there was a reason I kept him around.
This past Sat Ross surprised me and got me ballet tickets as a late birthday gift. So we went and watched Giselle danced by ABT (American Ballet Theatre) at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. It was nice to see a professional ballet again. And Ross enjoyed the music so much that it put him to sleep. Yup....he dozed off, just for a moment though, and the guy sitting next to him noticed it too and decided to write about it on his Twitter page. Oh well, at least he came with me and I got to enjoy the ballet.
In about two weeks my parents will be out here for a long weekend and thankfully, I was able to get that Friday off from work to spend with them. When I first started working, I was told I wouldn't be able to have any time off. But since the company hired about 30 more people within the last month, they were able to open up more vacation time. So I put in my request again and I was able to have Friday off. I had tried to get both Friday and Monday off but wasn't going to complain when I got at least one. So now we need to sit down and figure out what we are going to do when they get out here. Right now we are thinking about the San Diego Zoo and/or Catalina Island. A lot will depend on how much studying and homework Ross will have since it is getting closer and closer to finals.
Looking back, the first week of November was a good one. We started the week off with Ross' birthday on Monday. Unlike for my birthday, we weren't able to go spend the evening at Disneyland since I started a new work schedule. Maybe I should rephrase that last sentence....I was not able to spend the evening at Disneyland because I started a new work schedule. Ross went up there after class and got his free $72 gift card for going to the park on his birthday. And then he went and rode some of my favorite rides and thought he would share the moment with me by taking pictures and sending them to me while I was sitting on the phone at work watching the clock. At least he was able to have fun and enjoy the park on his birthday like we did on mine. It was just a bummer that I was not able to join him. After I got off work, we did enjoy dinner at a yummy Mexican restaurant. I have to say though, you always seem to question the quality of the restaurant when you walk in and are the only people there besides the one waitress. No matter how you look at it, the food was very good.
As for the new work schedule for me, I started my original shift of working 10am-7pm Mon-Fri. I do have to say there are some goods and bads to this new schedule. The good sides are that I can sleep in a little longer in the mornings and enjoy being a night owl, I can get ready with Ross in the morning and not worry about waking him up, I have time to eat breakfast and sometimes watch a full hour long TV show, and the traffic is really light on the drive in. The bad side is that I have to stay at work until 7:00 at night and by the time I get off, the sun has already gone down and the evening is half over. But I guess one of the other good things I forgot to mention is that Ross usually has dinner made by the time I get home; one last thing I have to think about at 7:30 in the evening. I knew there was a reason I kept him around.
This past Sat Ross surprised me and got me ballet tickets as a late birthday gift. So we went and watched Giselle danced by ABT (American Ballet Theatre) at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. It was nice to see a professional ballet again. And Ross enjoyed the music so much that it put him to sleep. Yup....he dozed off, just for a moment though, and the guy sitting next to him noticed it too and decided to write about it on his Twitter page. Oh well, at least he came with me and I got to enjoy the ballet.
In about two weeks my parents will be out here for a long weekend and thankfully, I was able to get that Friday off from work to spend with them. When I first started working, I was told I wouldn't be able to have any time off. But since the company hired about 30 more people within the last month, they were able to open up more vacation time. So I put in my request again and I was able to have Friday off. I had tried to get both Friday and Monday off but wasn't going to complain when I got at least one. So now we need to sit down and figure out what we are going to do when they get out here. Right now we are thinking about the San Diego Zoo and/or Catalina Island. A lot will depend on how much studying and homework Ross will have since it is getting closer and closer to finals.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Law School
Well, here I am over half way through and I must say, this has been quite a journey and it has only just begun. I apologize that it has been a while since my last post, but when I get a few minutes away from studying and writing case briefs, the last thing on my mind is more writing. Hopefully, this will give a small window into my life right now.
Let me start by trying to describe (as best I can) the environment and culture surrounding law school. Law School is essentially the same as any other school, with the same types of personalities and social interactions. As much as people try to remain professional and respectful and create an environment of friendship, the inherent nature of law school is competitiveness. It it so hard not to see your neighbor doing well, and wonder what their secret is. Or, what study aid do they have? Why do they get it and I don't? The response for this is one of two ways, either to befriend them and pick their brain, or to see them as competition and find ways to destroy them.The incoming class is divided into three sections (I am in Section A). From day one, the school tried to create a sense of cohesiveness in Section A and promote bonding within the section. This was all to easy when everyone was on the same playing ground and in the same situation - a state of confusion. Every one latched onto each other and was very supportive, encouraging and open to each other.
However, this mentality and environment has slowly deteriorated over the past few weeks and is only expanded by the impending stress that is growing daily with the upcoming final week. Slowly but surely, people are becoming much more self-engaged and self involved and a mentality of competition now fills the air. Last week we had a research project where research books strewn about the library were to be shared between 40 students. 1 day after the project began we all received warning e-mails about people hiding, and destroying the material that was to be shared equally amongst people (this mentality does not go away unfortunately when you become an attorney because attorneys who come into our library have to be removed by the police when the tear out papers from legal books and put them into their pockets because they don't want to shell out the 10 cents to make a copy).
However, I have been able to find and attach myself to a few people who are genuinely concerned with the need to effectively network, and like myself, see the potential and positives in sharing and helping grow others. We study in groups nearly two to three times a week and have now begun studying for a few hours after class at member's homes. This is working out so well because it allows constructive exchange of ideas and internal teaching.
The hours necessary to dedicate to full time studying is at times overwhelming. During orientation, the guideline that was relayed was 3-4 hours of studying for each hour in the class room. This equates to about 40 to 60 hours of school work per week. At the time, it was inconceivable to think that I would be spending more time studying than I had been working. What happened to all this free time I told myself I was going to get? Let me say, it is nothing like undergrad. Now I find myself struggling to keep my head above water at times even studying 60 hours per week and it is a constant struggle to not give up and not get behind by just avoiding studying one night. Getting behind even by one day is like getting a flat tire. If you stop to change it, it will take a while and you are behind in the race, but if you push forward, the race will certainly pass you by and you will surely lose. I just hope to avoid any more flat tires.
We recently went through mid terms which are not for grades, but just for the experience of taking law exams. Every exam is the same format, a given set of facts which we need to state the rules of law and apply the law to find a conclusion against the facts. Confused yet? Yeah me too! Just think IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion). This is how every exam should look, but knowing how and when to state a rule, and how much application is the difficult part. Each exam is only an hour long, but in reality would take about 2 hours to properly write. So, "welcome to law school" is what everyone keeps saying.
On top of the class work, the studying, the constant nightly reading, the preparation, the research and the writing, and the shoving in times to keep my sanity, on top of all of this, it is important to keep you eye, and your plan on the future. We have already began discussing summer internships, networking opportunities, resume writing, and legal emphasis. This must always be in the back of your mind in order to ensure that you are always on the direct path to do what it is you want to do and give you the tools to get there. Crazy to think that the things I do now will affect and direct what I am able to do and accomplish 3 years from now.
It may seem daunting (and it is), but it truly is where I want to be and I am doing what it is I enjoy. The intellectual stimulation is exciting and the discussions had inside and outside of the classroom are exhilarating. The people are interesting (both positively and negatively) and I wouldn't trade going to school for anything. Luckily I have the greatest wife in the world which decreases the burden of the stress of life management. Without her, I might be slowly going insane.
Well, hopefully this allows you a glimpse into a classroom and into the life of a law student. I am more than happy to share anything about this experience to anyone who will listen, but don't want to bore you with unnecessary details. Let me know if you want to know anything more.
With Love
Let me start by trying to describe (as best I can) the environment and culture surrounding law school. Law School is essentially the same as any other school, with the same types of personalities and social interactions. As much as people try to remain professional and respectful and create an environment of friendship, the inherent nature of law school is competitiveness. It it so hard not to see your neighbor doing well, and wonder what their secret is. Or, what study aid do they have? Why do they get it and I don't? The response for this is one of two ways, either to befriend them and pick their brain, or to see them as competition and find ways to destroy them.The incoming class is divided into three sections (I am in Section A). From day one, the school tried to create a sense of cohesiveness in Section A and promote bonding within the section. This was all to easy when everyone was on the same playing ground and in the same situation - a state of confusion. Every one latched onto each other and was very supportive, encouraging and open to each other.
However, this mentality and environment has slowly deteriorated over the past few weeks and is only expanded by the impending stress that is growing daily with the upcoming final week. Slowly but surely, people are becoming much more self-engaged and self involved and a mentality of competition now fills the air. Last week we had a research project where research books strewn about the library were to be shared between 40 students. 1 day after the project began we all received warning e-mails about people hiding, and destroying the material that was to be shared equally amongst people (this mentality does not go away unfortunately when you become an attorney because attorneys who come into our library have to be removed by the police when the tear out papers from legal books and put them into their pockets because they don't want to shell out the 10 cents to make a copy).
However, I have been able to find and attach myself to a few people who are genuinely concerned with the need to effectively network, and like myself, see the potential and positives in sharing and helping grow others. We study in groups nearly two to three times a week and have now begun studying for a few hours after class at member's homes. This is working out so well because it allows constructive exchange of ideas and internal teaching.
The hours necessary to dedicate to full time studying is at times overwhelming. During orientation, the guideline that was relayed was 3-4 hours of studying for each hour in the class room. This equates to about 40 to 60 hours of school work per week. At the time, it was inconceivable to think that I would be spending more time studying than I had been working. What happened to all this free time I told myself I was going to get? Let me say, it is nothing like undergrad. Now I find myself struggling to keep my head above water at times even studying 60 hours per week and it is a constant struggle to not give up and not get behind by just avoiding studying one night. Getting behind even by one day is like getting a flat tire. If you stop to change it, it will take a while and you are behind in the race, but if you push forward, the race will certainly pass you by and you will surely lose. I just hope to avoid any more flat tires.
We recently went through mid terms which are not for grades, but just for the experience of taking law exams. Every exam is the same format, a given set of facts which we need to state the rules of law and apply the law to find a conclusion against the facts. Confused yet? Yeah me too! Just think IRAC (Issue, Rule, Application, Conclusion). This is how every exam should look, but knowing how and when to state a rule, and how much application is the difficult part. Each exam is only an hour long, but in reality would take about 2 hours to properly write. So, "welcome to law school" is what everyone keeps saying.
On top of the class work, the studying, the constant nightly reading, the preparation, the research and the writing, and the shoving in times to keep my sanity, on top of all of this, it is important to keep you eye, and your plan on the future. We have already began discussing summer internships, networking opportunities, resume writing, and legal emphasis. This must always be in the back of your mind in order to ensure that you are always on the direct path to do what it is you want to do and give you the tools to get there. Crazy to think that the things I do now will affect and direct what I am able to do and accomplish 3 years from now.
It may seem daunting (and it is), but it truly is where I want to be and I am doing what it is I enjoy. The intellectual stimulation is exciting and the discussions had inside and outside of the classroom are exhilarating. The people are interesting (both positively and negatively) and I wouldn't trade going to school for anything. Luckily I have the greatest wife in the world which decreases the burden of the stress of life management. Without her, I might be slowly going insane.
Well, hopefully this allows you a glimpse into a classroom and into the life of a law student. I am more than happy to share anything about this experience to anyone who will listen, but don't want to bore you with unnecessary details. Let me know if you want to know anything more.
With Love
A look back at October
October held a lot for us out in our new home. I started a new job, celebrated a birthday away from home, Ross had mid-terms, and we had our first Halloween with no trick-or-treaters. It was also the first time we could wear shorts on Halloween since the temperatures were in the 80s! October was a good month and now we look forward to November, which holds some exciting events; Ross' birthday, I start a new work schedule, and my parents are coming out to visit, and then there is Thanksgiving!
This week I start a new work schedule...10am-7pm. It is going to be a long day. Last week was the first time my entire training/new hire class were answering phones by ourselves. So there was a lot of teaching myself and realizing how poor the training class really was. But one good thing that came out of a lot of new hires being added to the payroll is that the company was able to cut out some of the mandatory overtime and open up more vacation hours for the remainder of the year. So as things look right now, there is only one day of mandatory overtime instead of three and I might be able to get some time off to spend with my parents when they come out!
Ross is still pushing along with school and found out last week that he only has 4 more weeks of class until dead week (when they stop introducing new material) and then he has 2 weeks of finals. So first semester is almost out of the way! He is both excited and nervous.
Today is Ross' 27th birthday so he can no longer say that he is younger than me. With it being on a Monday and us only having one income, the festivities are quite small, but at least we can still celebrate it together!
This week I start a new work schedule...10am-7pm. It is going to be a long day. Last week was the first time my entire training/new hire class were answering phones by ourselves. So there was a lot of teaching myself and realizing how poor the training class really was. But one good thing that came out of a lot of new hires being added to the payroll is that the company was able to cut out some of the mandatory overtime and open up more vacation hours for the remainder of the year. So as things look right now, there is only one day of mandatory overtime instead of three and I might be able to get some time off to spend with my parents when they come out!
Ross is still pushing along with school and found out last week that he only has 4 more weeks of class until dead week (when they stop introducing new material) and then he has 2 weeks of finals. So first semester is almost out of the way! He is both excited and nervous.
Today is Ross' 27th birthday so he can no longer say that he is younger than me. With it being on a Monday and us only having one income, the festivities are quite small, but at least we can still celebrate it together!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Well mid-terms are finally out of the way for Ross and I am getting ready to start my 4th week of work. The mid-terms went pretty well but now Ross has to get ready for finals that are coming up in about 5-6 weeks, which is way more stressful than mid-terms...especially since the finals are graded for points! As for me, work is still work. Nothing great. The training was less than effective and I found out how true that really was on Friday when the whole class was thrown on the phones to start answering calls. Even though the time spent on the phone trying to answer questions was less than an hour and a half out of the 8 hour one from the class felt prepared. The training on how to operate the phone system (transferring calls, placing lines on hold, calling other departments, etc) lasted a whopping 5 mins. And what made it even more stressful of an event was all the extra noise and commotion going on due to a baby shower taking place in the next isle. That's right....a baby shower in the middle of a call center with new hires trying to answer calls. To add to all that, the baby shower was for the "trainer" and his wife. So needless to say we were on our own for most of the time since our trainer was busy handing out slices of cake and watching his wife open baby gifts. But, I guess some companies don't put a lot of effort into their training programs. Or maybe I just had higher expectations since I was required to attend a 3 week long training session. So this coming week will probably be more interesting than last week. In the end, I keep telling myself that at least I have a job that is paying more than unemployment and I continue to keep my eyes and ears open for something better to come along. I guess I should get off the computer and get back to reading my book, especially since we are sitting in the school library where Ross is doing some research and I am sure he is going to need his computer soon. Oh, and if you are wondering about the new picture I posted at the top of the page, it is from Disneyland. The bright orange thing in the background is the pumpkin-shaped Mickey ears they have out for Halloween. Right before I started working we got annual passes to park and have made a few trips up there to get away for awhile.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
New Job, Mid-Terms, and a Birthday
Well all I can say is that these last two weeks have been quite crazy. Joining the working class again sure felt weird after 9 months of unemployment. For those of you that haven't heard, I got a job as a phone representative at Wachovia Dealer Services (the call center for Wachovia's auto loans). I started on Monday, October 5th, and have been in training everyday since. As of right now I keep praying that things only get better. The training is very unorganized and unproductive. There are 8 new people in the class and the trainer spends half the day on the Internet shopping for a new car and responding to personal emails, text messages, and phone calls. I do nothing but read the news on the Internet to try and stay awake. I don't think I have ever read so much news on the Internet in my entire life. I have discovered that a person can only read so much information, interesting or not, in one day before they start to go crossed-eye. But in the end, I keep telling myself that at least I have a job, it pays more than unemployment, and I will get benefits starting December 1. So things could be worse.
Ross has been busy studying for his first set of mid-terms. Even though they aren't graded for points, they are still reviewed for format and content so he is better prepared for the real deal at the end of the year. Ross found study flash cards to help him better understand the material. So I have actually been learning a little bit myself by reading the questions and scenarios to him and having him answer and explain them. He continues to enjoy his classes and is having fun which is great!
And as many of you know, this was the first year that I celebrated my birthday without the rest of the family. Ross surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he hand-picked himself! (see the picture below). Then we had dinner at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney up in Anaheim. After dinner we spent the rest of the evening riding rides and watching fireworks inside Disneyland. So even though I didn't celebrate my 27th birthday with family having dinner, playing games, and eating cake and ice cream (which I miss), we still had a very fun night!
Ross has been busy studying for his first set of mid-terms. Even though they aren't graded for points, they are still reviewed for format and content so he is better prepared for the real deal at the end of the year. Ross found study flash cards to help him better understand the material. So I have actually been learning a little bit myself by reading the questions and scenarios to him and having him answer and explain them. He continues to enjoy his classes and is having fun which is great!
And as many of you know, this was the first year that I celebrated my birthday without the rest of the family. Ross surprised me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers that he hand-picked himself! (see the picture below). Then we had dinner at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen in Downtown Disney up in Anaheim. After dinner we spent the rest of the evening riding rides and watching fireworks inside Disneyland. So even though I didn't celebrate my 27th birthday with family having dinner, playing games, and eating cake and ice cream (which I miss), we still had a very fun night!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Last Week
Since it's been two weeks since either of us posted something, I guess we should update everyone on the latest. This has been my last week of not working. I officially start at Wachovia on Mon. Oct 5. A little excited to get back into the working world, but I am going to miss all the perks of not working. Anyways, here is a recap of what has been taking place these last few weeks.
The week of the 20th involved getting our vehicles ready to make the trip to the CA DMV. That meant getting smog tests done. My car passed with no problems. Ross' on the other hand....well let's just say that wasn't a cheap trip. A couple hoses had to be replaced before it would pass the smog test. So once we got that fixed, we headed to the DMV on Fri the 25th. That was two and a half hours of expensive fun. So now both vehicles are officially registered in California. We still have Colorado drivers licenses and are going to hang on to those as long as we can since it costs $30 to get a California one, plus you have to take a written test. Apparently California has it's own special driving laws.
After our expensive week of smog tests, repairs, and vehicle registrations, we decided it would be nice to take a trip up to Las Vegas. Thanks to me not having a job, Ross not having school on Mon the 28, Ross winning the last time we were in Vegas, and finding a room for only $19 a night, we left Sun morning to enjoy two days in Sin City. After the boring 4 hour drive, we made it to the Sahara hotel in time to watch the Broncos win another game and then it was off to try and hit it big. Unfortunately we didn't hit the jackpot like Mom did when she was there last, but we were at least able to play all night long. I even had some money left over to play Mon morning before we went to the Titanic Exhibit at the Luxor, which was amazing! We got home Mon evening around 7:00pm and poor Ross had a little homework to finish. But overall it was a nice "weekend" getaway.

The week of the 20th involved getting our vehicles ready to make the trip to the CA DMV. That meant getting smog tests done. My car passed with no problems. Ross' on the other hand....well let's just say that wasn't a cheap trip. A couple hoses had to be replaced before it would pass the smog test. So once we got that fixed, we headed to the DMV on Fri the 25th. That was two and a half hours of expensive fun. So now both vehicles are officially registered in California. We still have Colorado drivers licenses and are going to hang on to those as long as we can since it costs $30 to get a California one, plus you have to take a written test. Apparently California has it's own special driving laws.
After our expensive week of smog tests, repairs, and vehicle registrations, we decided it would be nice to take a trip up to Las Vegas. Thanks to me not having a job, Ross not having school on Mon the 28, Ross winning the last time we were in Vegas, and finding a room for only $19 a night, we left Sun morning to enjoy two days in Sin City. After the boring 4 hour drive, we made it to the Sahara hotel in time to watch the Broncos win another game and then it was off to try and hit it big. Unfortunately we didn't hit the jackpot like Mom did when she was there last, but we were at least able to play all night long. I even had some money left over to play Mon morning before we went to the Titanic Exhibit at the Luxor, which was amazing! We got home Mon evening around 7:00pm and poor Ross had a little homework to finish. But overall it was a nice "weekend" getaway.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Some Good News!
Well after months of sending out resumes and applications, I finally got a job! I will be working in the call center at Wachovia Bank. Not necessarily my dream job but at least it is something that will pay the bills and get me out of the house. I start October 5 so I have a few weeks to go relax by the pool and enjoy my last days of being unemployed.
Some other good news is that Mom and Dad are coming out in November to spend a few days with us. The plan is to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas in one weekend. Needless to say I am very excited to see them again.
School for Ross is starting to get more intense. This week his study group is going to meet for the first time and start reviewing everything they have learned so far. I can definitely see why they strongly advise law students not to work if at all possible!
Some other good news is that Mom and Dad are coming out in November to spend a few days with us. The plan is to celebrate both Thanksgiving and Christmas in one weekend. Needless to say I am very excited to see them again.
School for Ross is starting to get more intense. This week his study group is going to meet for the first time and start reviewing everything they have learned so far. I can definitely see why they strongly advise law students not to work if at all possible!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
September is finally here and the weather is still HOT out here. The good news is that we keep hearing that it is never this hot. I am very ready for some cooler temperatures. Not much new going on. We ended up buying two mountain bikes on the same day and didn't really now it. Ross had bid on one on ebay not expecting to win it while at the same time he found one on Craigslist. Ends up we won the ebay bike and bought the Craigslist bike on the same day. So we now own two mountain bikes. We took them out for a ride around the neighborhood the other day and found quite a few houses for sale. Just something to look forward to in the future. Below I have posted a few pictures of our place now that we are more settled in. We still have some boxes but they are filled with DVDs since we have no place to put them as of right now. You do what you can with what you have.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
One Week Down
Well Ross has completed his first week of law school and as you can tell from his last post, it has been very demanding. But he has been very disciplined when it comes to study time. And I have been getting A LOT more reading done myself. This past Thurs I got to meet some of the people in a few of his classes. We met at a bar in Huntington Beach, enjoyed some drinks, some laughs and I got to hear all about everyones first week of classes as well as the various other students that make the classes interesting.
In addition to law school, we have also been able to spend some time at the pool and the beach because of both location and the hot weather. Yesterday was a pool day and today was a beach day. The waves are still large but this time we actually tried to go swimming. It was a lot of fun and you definitely bring back a lot of the beach in your swimsuit. I also got to experience for the first time what it was like to swallow water through my nose. So as the score stands: Ocean 2, Rachel 1.
In addition to law school, we have also been able to spend some time at the pool and the beach because of both location and the hot weather. Yesterday was a pool day and today was a beach day. The waves are still large but this time we actually tried to go swimming. It was a lot of fun and you definitely bring back a lot of the beach in your swimsuit. I also got to experience for the first time what it was like to swallow water through my nose. So as the score stands: Ocean 2, Rachel 1.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Law School (Week 1)
Well here I am sitting in between classes closing in on the finality of my first week in class. I must say this is truly more demanding than I had expected (or desired). However the intellectual stimulation is (without sounding nerdy) stimulating. Being challenged in class and having my thinking questioned, challenged and being forced to defend myself is exciting. I cannot state however, the amount of pressure I feel in trying to fulfill my obligation to everyone that has put their faith in me and the pressure of learning everything in order to become a successful lawyer.
I have met a lot of people thus far and some of those people only confirm that I can do it through their intellectual retardation. Others are supportive of my journey and encourage me. Other serve as role models for the type of person I can become.
I will say that the school and the professors certainly have shown that they have an interest in my success and will do whatever possible to help my journey.
While it is only the first week of class, and the road now seems daunting, there is hope and encouragement all around me. While the journey will not be short and will assuredly be a daunting task, I am excited. That is all for now, but I will keep you apprised.
I have met a lot of people thus far and some of those people only confirm that I can do it through their intellectual retardation. Others are supportive of my journey and encourage me. Other serve as role models for the type of person I can become.
I will say that the school and the professors certainly have shown that they have an interest in my success and will do whatever possible to help my journey.
While it is only the first week of class, and the road now seems daunting, there is hope and encouragement all around me. While the journey will not be short and will assuredly be a daunting task, I am excited. That is all for now, but I will keep you apprised.
Monday, August 24, 2009
The Wedge
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Well, we are finally getting a little more settled in. Empty boxes are starting to pile up outside on the patio...which means we need to take a trip to the dumpster and get rid of them. Ross finished his week of orientation and starts classes on Mon! He is looking forward to finally getting started with this next chapter. We both think these next 3 years are going to go by fast. We have been taking advantage of having a pool right outside our door as well as having the beach only 10 mins away. And right now we can't complain about the weather...temps in the upper 70's low 80's has been really nice. I posted a few more pictures from downtown Hollywood and some time spent out at the beach. Enjoy!

Friday, August 14, 2009
Moving day photos
Sunday, August 9, 2009
New Home Sweet Home
Well we finally made it to California! It wasn't the easiest drive to say the least but at least we made it and so did most of our stuff. We lost a TV and wine glass. We still have quite a few boxes left to unpack but we are keeping our fingers crossed that those were our only two casualties. The apartment is nice and it is taking some adjusting to after living in our own house for 3 years. Ross is getting excited about starting school soon. We walked around the campus and made sure he had everything all set to start next Mon.
We want to say thank you to everyone who helped us pack up everything, clean everything, and load, unload, and reload 2 trucks. And to my parents for helping drive everything out there and move all our stuff in. We wouldn't have been able to do all this without everyone's help.
We want to say thank you to everyone who helped us pack up everything, clean everything, and load, unload, and reload 2 trucks. And to my parents for helping drive everything out there and move all our stuff in. We wouldn't have been able to do all this without everyone's help.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
With the Wood Family making the giant leap and being the preverbal Salmon swimming upstream by moving to the broke state of California, we thought creating a blog would be a great way for all our friends and family to keep up with our new lives out there. This way we will be able to post the lastest and greatest happenings in our lives and show off pictures of our new home without the headache of forgetting to include anyone in our "goings ons". Check back often for new updates.
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