Last week we got to enjoy a visit from my parents and brother. The visit with family started on Saturday the 23. After a quick trip to the airport and a quick lunch that consisted of pizza and beer, we packed up the back pack and were off to Hollywood to hike up to the famous Hollywood sign! The weather couldn't have been better considering we had rain everyday the previous week. So after an hour and a half of hiking to the top, we enjoyed a small picnic of wine, beer, cheese, crackers, and meat (you know....the typical picnic you take hiking). To relax after a 5 mile hike, we enjoyed a nice Mexican dinner with margaritas and then off to the beach to listen to the sounds of the evening surf.
After a 5 mile hike what would be better than walking around Disneyland all day?? Well we got to enjoy just that....something Shaun and I haven't done with our parents for 20 years!! Minus the light mist/rain that moved in later in the evening, the weather was nice and we all had a great time! We even got to see the new water show, World of Color!
And if a 5 mile hike and walking around Disneyland an entire day wasn't enough physical activity, we decided to do a 10 mile bike ride along the coast. But this wasn't just any regular bike ride....we rented a 4 person surrey. Basically it's a bike that looks very similar to a golf cart. Since Shaun and Amanda had to leave that morning, Mom, Dad, and Ross and I got to enjoy this one on our own. We started in Huntington Beach and rode south along the beach to Newport Beach. To replenish ourselves after our 50 min bike ride, we enjoyed lunch and drinks at a bar overlooking the ocean. After an hour of relaxing, we had an hour ride back up to Huntington Beach where we started, but this time with a strong head wind that made it all the more difficult.
Even though this last visit from family dealt with a lot more physical activities, it was tons of fun and we can't wait until we see them again.
To finish out this past weekend, we enjoyed our first costume party for Halloween! Ross and a couple guys from school all dressed up as 1980s wrestlers and I went as the referee. After enjoying a few drinks at the house party, we all headed down to Newport Beach to one of the bars on the coast. I have to admit you feel a little goofy walking down the street going to a bar dressed in a costume. Thankfully we weren't the only ones dressed up so that makes things feel less weird.
And now that October is officially over, the next big even is Ross' birthday! Details on how that plays out will be in the next posting. So for now, below are some pictures from the last few weeks, more to come later.