Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not-So-Good End to August

Well, here it has been yet another 2 weeks since I last wrote. But I like to think I've had good reason. On Sunday, August 29 we were involved in a small car accident. Everyone is fine except for my car. In a nut shell we were hit by a 19 year old girl who stepped on the gas pedal instead of the break pedal when pulling out of a parking lot and ran right into the front tire on the passenger side. We had to have the car towed because it was no longer drivable. It has now been two weeks and the car is still at the repair shop and it is still waiting for parts to arrive to be fixed. So for the last two weeks Ross and I have been carpooling around town in the Durango. It has actually worked out pretty well and forces Ross to get up early and do some studying for school instead of sleeping in and watching TV.

In addition to the car drama, Ross has been super busy with school. Not only has he been busy with his regular classes but he has to spend extra time on research for Law Review as well as attending weekly meetings that are on Saturday mornings for a couple hours. And this past week he had his tryouts for Trial Advocacy. For the tryouts he had to prepare a cross-examination of a witness and a closing arguments. Both could not be over 5 mins. So this past week I was role playing as both the witness and the jury. Unfortunately he tried out on the first day so we have to wait until sometime next week for the results. But I'm pretty sure he made it with no problem.

Other than Ross being busy with school, work going good for me, and the car spending more time in the repair shop than I would like, things are going good for us. I posted a few pictures of what the car looked like after being hit.